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Essay 2 final-1

Essay 2 final-1

Q As detailed in our Course Syllabus and Essay Two assignment sheet, you must properly submit your final draft of Essay Two by 11:59 p.m. CST on Monday, February 14, per the following directions. Be sure to upload your essay as a .doc or .docx file. Directions for Submitting an Essay via Canvas • o Click on "Submit Assignment" above (on the right-hand side of this page). o Click on "Choose File" (under the "File Upload" tab) to locate your saved final draft (then click "Open"). o Click to check the box next to the following statement: "I agree to the tool's End-User License Agreement. This assignment submission is my own, original work." o Click on "Submit Assignment" to submit your saved final draft (please be sure the document is saved and then submitted as a .doc or .docx file). Once you have a chance to review these directions, please let me know ASAP if you have any questions. Late submissions are subject to our class's late work policy, as detailed in the course syllabus. Please do not finalize and submit your essay until you have reviewed all feedback provided by your peers (via our Peer Review Discussion Board) and from me (via comments to all Essay Two preparatory work). Please also review the "Essay Two: Personal Review" linked HERE before finalizing and submitting your work. Rubric Essay Two Final Draft Essay Two Final Draft Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMLA Formatting and Length 28 pts Exemplary Includes all required elements: title, header, heading, spacing, margins, font, AND reaches proper length. 21 pts Accomplished One to two elements done incorrectly AND reaches proper length. 14 pts Developing Three to four elements done incorrectly AND reaches proper length. 7 pts Beginning Five or more elements done incorrectly AND/OR fails to reach proper length (points deducted proportionally). 28 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction and Conclusion Paragraphs 22 pts Exemplary Intro. denotes all elements (product name, yr., and source), effectively hooks reader, and clearly leads to thesis; AND concl. summarizes essay, reiterates thesis, and notes ad’s success thoroughly/well. 16.5 pts Accomplished Intro. is missing one required element, hook for reader could be improved, and leads to thesis; AND concl. summarizes essay, reiterates thesis, and notes ad’s success. 11 pts Developing Intro. is present but underdeveloped, missing two required elements, fails to hook reader, too long; and/or may not lead to thesis; AND/OR concl. makes insufficient reference to thesis and/or ad’s success and/or too long. 5.5 pts Beginning Intro. is weak or unclear, missing required elements, fails to hook reader, and/or may not lead to thesis; AND/OR concl. seems unrelated to the rest of the paper, weak or unclear, and/or too short. 22 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis Statement 8 pts Exemplary Provides a clear, effective “roadmap,” clearly notes all pts.(emotion & elements), is one sentence in length, AND concludes intro ¶. 6 pts Accomplished Provides general “roadmap,” notes all points (emotion & elements), is one sentence in length, AND concludes intro ¶. 4 pts Developing “Roadmap” is vague/unclear, missing one point, may be >1 sent. or s.f./r.o./c.s., AND/OR may be misplaced. 2 pts Beginning Stated thesis is unclear or non-existent, fails to note two or more points, is longer than 1 sentence or s.f./r.o./c.s., AND/OR misplaced. 8 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary Paragraph 14 pts Exemplary Describes ad’s images and text well AND has clear topic and concluding sentences. 10.5 pts Accomplished Describes ad’s images and text AND has topic and concluding sentences. 7 pts Developing Provides scant summary of ad AND/OR missing topic or concluding sentence. 3.5 pts Beginning Provides ineffective summary AND/OR missing topic and concluding sentences. 14 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTarget Audience Paragraph 16 pts Exemplary Discusses ad’s target audience well, uses relevant examples, AND has clear topic and concluding sentences. 12 pts Accomplished Discusses ad’s target audience, uses some relevant examples, AND has topic and concluding sentences. 8 pts Developing Notes target audience but not clearly, most examples seem irrelevant, AND/OR missing topic or concluding sentence. 4 pts Beginning Fails to clearly address the topic, examples are scant/unrelated, AND/OR missing topic and concluding sentences. 16 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDefinition Paragraph 18 pts Exemplary Clearly denotes the ad’s desired emotion, clearly includes dictionary def. from OD, uses at least three approaches well, AND has clear topic and concluding sentences. 13.5 pts Accomplished Denotes the ad’s desired emotion, includes dictionary def. from OD, uses at least three approaches, AND has topic and concluding sentences. 9 pts Developing Notes the ad’s emotion, but not clearly, includes dictionary def. from OD, uses only two approaches, AND/OR missing topic or concluding sentence. 4.5 pts Beginning Fails to note the ad’s emotion, fails to include dictionary def., uses one or no approaches, AND/OR missing topic and concluding sentences. 18 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVisual Elements Paragraphs 40 pts Exemplary Each ¶ clearly discusses each element; topic sentences are clear and match thesis pts.; summary sentences are all effective; extensive use of relevant evidence/details to explain and support main ideas in all ¶s; effectively develops all ¶s w/sophistication and originality; evaluates content, draws conclusions, makes connections well; AND demonstrates superior understanding of overarching concepts/essential ideas. 30 pts Accomplished Each body ¶ discusses each element; only 2 topic sentences are clear; only 2 summ. sents. are effective; use of some relevant evidence/details to explain and support main ideas in all ¶s; effectively develops all ¶s; evaluates content, draws conclusions, and makes connections; AND/OR demonstrates an understanding of overarching concepts/essential ideas. 20 pts Developing Body ¶s discuss elements but not clearly; 2 topic sentences are unclear or non-existent; 2+ sum. sentences are unclear; use of some relevant evidence/details to explain and support main ideas in 2 ¶s; effectively develops at least 2 ¶s; draws few conclusions and makes few connections; AND/OR demonstrates some understanding of overarching concepts/essential ideas. 10 pts Beginning Body ¶s fail to clearly address the topic; 2+ topic sentences are non-existent; 2+ summ. sentences are non-existent; fails to use relevant evidence and/or includes irrelevant details to explain and support main ideas in 2+ ¶s; fails to well develop body ¶s; few/no connections/conclusions made; AND/OR shows a basic understanding of overarching concepts/essential ideas. 40 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMLA - WC and In-Text 14 pts Exemplary Includes all correct information in entries, properly formats WC page, correctly documents in-text citations, AND properly integrates quotations. 10.5 pts Accomplished Includes mostly correct information, properly formats ¾ of WC page, 1-2 errors with in-text citations, AND/OR properly integrates ¾ of quotes. 7 pts Developing Includes a few minor errors in entries, improperly formats ½ of WC pg., 3-4 errors with in-text citations, AND/OR improperly integrates ½ of quotes. 3.5 pts Beginning Includes several errors in entry, improperly formats ½ + of WC pg., 5+ errors with in-text citations, AND/OR improperly integrates ½ + of quotes. 14 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCoherence 12 pts Exemplary Effectively uses proper transitions AND presents a coherent, logical flow of ideas that aligns with thesis. 9 pts Accomplished Uses proper transitions AND/OR presents a mostly logical flow of ideas that aligns with thesis. 6 pts Developing Uses improper transitions in up to ½ of essay AND/OR has several lapses of logic/fails to align all ideas with thesis. 3 pts Beginning Uses improper transitions in ½+ of essay AND/OR has an absence of or underdevelopment of ideas/fails to align ideas with thesis. 12 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLanguage Use and Mechanics 28 pts Full Marks Carefully chooses and arranges all words to promote ease of reading; has no sent. run-ons or fragments; has limited errors in spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, sent. structure, and punctuation; demonstrates good use of academic English; AND does not use 1st or 2nd p voice. 21 pts Accomplished Carefully chooses/arranges words to promote ease of reading in 3/4 of essay; has 1-2 sent. run-ons or fragments; has few errors per page in spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, sentence structure, and punctuation; shows few problems using academic English; AND/OR uses 1st or 2nd p voice once. 14 pts Developing Choice/arrangement of words inhibit ½-¾ of essay; has 3-4 sent. run-ons or fragments; has several errors per ¶ in spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, sentence structure, and punctuation; uses informal language in multiple sentences; meaning of text obstructed; AND/OR uses 1st or 2nd p voice sparingly. 7 pts Beginning Choice and arrangement of words inhibit ¾ or more of essay; has 5+ sent. run-ons or fragments; has many errors throughout in spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, sentence structure, and punctuation; meaning of text often cannot be discerned; AND/OR uses 1st or 2nd p voice repeatedly. 28 pts Total Points: 200

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